The Reclaim Your Space Blog
Inspiration, teachings and tools to support you in healing your relationship with your home and with your self.

How to Care Less, A Thanksgiving Story
Or the story of how I hosted the chillest Thanksgiving ever.

Forgiveness and flow…
Cosmic Smashbooking unlocked this beautiful new awareness…the connection between clearing clutter and releasing anger, resentment, and grudges to open up to flow.

A Nourishing Environment Away From Home
The text message read: ‘Bring a candle! It smells like socks.’
But as I arrived at the B&B, 12 hours later than I’d planned and 1000 times more exhausted, I didn’t care about the smell. My head hit the pillow and I slept for three hours.

What’s Rage Got to Do With It?
I have been raging. And also, not raging. And I am becoming acutely aware that I have rage inside of me that requires a safe place to be expressed. If you do too, I am ready to share a tool I use.

When It All Feels Too Much
I am hearing some of you say that you are having a really hard time right now. That maintaining your space feels like a luxury that you don't even have access to because everything else is just too much. I feel you...oh, so deeply!

The Power of Radical Gentleness
Do you ever question yourself? Even in areas that you know that you have a high level of skill or knowledge, experience or ability. If so, this is for you.

The Gift of a Nourishing Environment
This beautiful scene in front of me combines with the peaceful quiet of the library itself…this environment nourishes me and, as such, I am able to feel myself in my body, access my own attention, and come to you here with my thoughts.
Building Blocks of Reclaiming Your Space: Sovereignty
Today, I want to chat with you a little bit about sovereignty because the concept of sovereignty is one of the primary building blocks of reclaiming your space (not to mention your life).

3 Key Questions to Ask Yourself
I have been thinking about what keeps me connected to my center and I realized that it is often as simple as coming back to these basic questions.

The Wisdom of Little Tam
I got to go back in time and meet little Tam in a series of guided visualizations. What she shared with me rocked my world. It may be for you also.

Reclaiming Home in my Body, Part 2
A few months ago, I set this photo as my profile picture and received all kinds of attention, including someone who just said ‘Thank you so much for posting this!’ I acknowledged the thanks but I didn’t fully understand until a close friend pointed out what I couldn’t see.

Reclaiming Home in my Body, Part 1
Tending to my body does not come naturally to me. Since I was a little kid, I was always on the go, always wanting to learn or create or do the next thing. Why would I waste time on something as fruitless as a shower? These aren’t judgements - rather a space I felt was completely inaccessible to me.

My Faith: A Reclaiming
Twenty years ago today, I was baptized in the Christian church that I had grown up in. I stayed connected to that church consistently and intentionally for the first 25 years of my life. Deconstruction of my faith into a more essential form that aligns with my own experience of Love and the Divine has been one of my most essential reclaimings.

My Story: A Reclaiming
Our stories are so intertwined with the stories of the other people in our lives, so how do we claim our own while still honoring the sovereignty that others have over theirs?

My Name: A Reclaiming
About two years ago, I began to feel that my last name didn’t fit me anymore. Here’s the story of how I chose a new one. May this powerful and personal reclamation story inspire you in whichever area of life you desire a new level of self-expression.

Do You Feel Like a Failure?
Many of my clients come to Reclaim Your Space feeling defeated. They have nearly given up hope of creating a home that feels good to them, that really expresses their personality or the things they love and value.

Deepen Your Relationship With Your Home
I believe you are here for a reason.
I believe that you have everything it takes to create the home and the life that is calling you.

A Story of Before and After
If you've been with me for a while, you know that one of the most important things that I teach is pausing to celebrate how far we've come. And today, I just want to share a little bit more about my own story of how far I've come since opening up the Reclaim Your Space community.

When the High Energy Fades…
This has been an interesting week already and if you’re feeling low, discouraged, or disheartened because the energy of the work that you started last week seems to have paused or slowed down, you are not alone.