My Faith: A Reclaiming

It’s an interesting day to be writing about reclaiming my faith because twenty years ago today, I was baptized in the Christian church that I had grown up in. I stayed connected to that church consistently and intentionally for the first 25 years of my life. For the past ten or so years, I have opened up my awareness to a wider breadth of faith traditions, spiritual practices, and pathways designed to connect humans with divinity. This awareness catalyzed what I can best describe as a deconstruction of my faith into a more essential form.

At this point, I am immersing myself in a beautiful new understanding of the immensity of what may be called Absolute Truth, a reality that we can only catch glimpses of, a reality that many have tried to capture in words, rituals, doctrines, ceremony. Direct access and connection to Spirit is where I believe we can each experience this Truth. And those who have experienced it come back and do their best to describe how it felt, how they got there, who can come too.

Here’s what I believe: we all get to come. And also all the parts of all of us get to come. It is in embracing our wholeness that we begin to understand Love, the benevolent force that runs through all of this and all of us. And here’s the thing: this is just me, sharing my glimpse, my pathway, my very small piece of the puzzle. I would love to hear yours. I imagine that if we all listen to each other’s experiences, if we let go of fear and judgement, we might begin to piece together a more complete picture of what it is that lies beyond our individual comprehension. The beautiful mystery that ties it all together.

My faith is based deeply in personal sovereignty, and a deep connection to an intrinsic Knowing that we each have access to. I have decided to only listen to and trust teachers, guides, and leaders who point their people back towards that inner Knowing, and who remind their people that they alone have sovereignty over their minds and spirituality.

And lastly, I believe in a faith that continues to evolve and grow as I stay open to new knowledge, deepening awareness, and direct experience of connection with Spirit.

Next week in Reclaim Your Space, I will be sharing tools and practices I have learned to better understand sovereignty. These tools can be applied to any and all areas of your life where you are ready for a reclamation. I hope you’ll join me.


Reclaiming Home in my Body, Part 1


My Story: A Reclaiming